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Draft Horse Basics

Draft Horse Basics Spring Workshop

This two day beginner workshop will be a hands-on experience of learning the basics of working draft horses on a farm.  In this course participants will learn the principles of safe handling, harnessing, driving, hitching, hoof care, and feeding.  We will discuss the intrinsic nature of horses and how this relates to training, behavior, and communication, as well as the importance of your own mindset that you bring to working with horses.  Participants will have the opportunity to drive a single horse and a team. There will also be time for discussion on the economics and practicality of having work animals on the farm and how they fit into the whole regenerative system of the farm.  

Light Root Community Farm is offering two separate weekend workshops this spring with a maximum of 5 participants each weekend.  

April 20-21 2024:  Saturday/Sunday 9 am - 3 pm.  Farm made lunch included.  $350 per student.

Reserve Your Spot

May 4

Community Farm Volunteer Day!