The Dairy

We focus on Quality not Quantity when it comes to milk production, and happy healthy cows on grass pasture make rich, flavorful, and nutrient dense milk. 

Our small scale artisan dairy produces milk with the utmost attention to animal hygiene and cleanliness in every step of the process. Cows are kept clean on rotating pastures and freshly bedded hay packs for loafing in the winter months.

The cows are brushed daily when they come into the milk barn, and their udders are cleaned with warm water and a gentle sanitizing dip before milking.

Milking equipment is sanitized prior to each milking with a food grade hydrogen peroxide, and the milk is filtered and cooled rapidly in our stainless steel cooling tank after each milking. We bottle milk into sanitized ½ gallon glass jars, offering the most fresh, pure and unprocessed milk available.

Raw milk is a living food, full of essential nutrients, enzymes, and probiotics, and we are confident that we are offering a clean high quality product.

Our raw milk is tested monthly according to RMAC ( Raw Milk Association of Colorado) standards for bacteria counts, specific pathogens and coliforms, and overall udder health. Monthly milk testing gives us a regular check-in on our dairy management practices. Light Root Community Farm’s milk test results consistently meet the top tier of RMAC’s recommended milk quality standards.

The Cows

Our small dairy herd is a made up of a mix of Jersey’s, Ayrshire’s, and Guernsey’s cows—breeds that are known for producing rich creamy golden milk. The cows are rotationally grazed on grass pastures throughout the growing season, and supplemented with grass and alfalfa hay during the winter months. Our Cows are offered free choice sea kelp and natural mineral supplements to promote overall cow health and milk quality.

The Cows live outside year round--their natural and most healthy living environment. They come into the milk barn each day for a short time during milking, but they are most content when grazing in the pastures or loafing outside under the stars.

Dairy Herd Share


In Colorado you must “own” a cow to legally access raw milk. The Herd Share model allows you to buy a share membership of a dairy cow herd from your local farmer, giving you weekly access to the raw cow’s milk produced on the farm.

As a Herd Share member you pay a set monthly boarding fee to the Farmer to care for and milk the cows in exchange for a weekly share(s) of fresh 100% grass-fed raw milk.

Members pick up milk shares weekly at our farmstand, located at 7715 Arapahoe Road, Boulder, CO.

The Farm does not offer milk share delivery.

Initial Herd Share Membership: $25/member (one time fee)

Monthly Boarding Fee (this is the cost of the milk):

$90/Full share $45/Half Share

One Full share equals 1 gallon of milk/week; Half share equals a half gallon of milk/week.

Members can purchase multiple shares in half share increments.

Milk Share Fees are paid ahead, due at the beginning of each month to reserve your share, (quarterly and annual payment options available too).

Our Milk Share Program is Currently Sold Out. We do not keep a waitlist, but we will post availability here when we have more shares open.